24 October 2022


Lantor GmbH
Zum Stadion
6308 Haibach
Telephone: +49 (0) 6021-649-0
Telefax:     +49 (0) 6021-649-36

Authorised company representative: Benjamin Chaing, Kevin Johnson

Registration Court: Counts Court, Aschaffenburg
Registration Number: HR B 136
V.A.T. (Sales tax) ID DE 132092375 (according to para 27 of German V.A.T. law)

Responsible for the content of this website: Benjamin Chaing, Kevin Johnson
Layout and Design: ric Ritter IT Consult www.ric-ab.de

Disclaimer notice / external links:
Contained in this website is information of a general nature and of the individual products of Lantor GmbH. This information is neither intended to nor suitable to be replaced by an individual consultation by competent employees under consideration of each specific case and circumstance. Lantor GmbH has taken the utmost care in the compilation of this information. However, Lantor does not accept any responsibility, either legal or otherwise, for the correctness, current actuality or completeness of the information contained therein. Should further information be required then the management of Lantor GmbH can be contacted in this respect.

All information and advice on this website is given without obligation on our part even when a business relationship between Lantor GmbH and a customer already exists. In the same way, all further information and advice given, either written or orally, is given without obligation on our part even when no customer relationship exists.

Lantor GmbH is the content provider according to para 5, section 1 of the Federal State Media Agreement for the “own content” and is legally responsible for the use of the content made available. It is to be differentiated between “own content” and the links to other suppliers’ content. Lantor makes said links available for use insofar as these are indicated as such: see www.internetdomain.de

Lantor GmbH holds itself responsible only when it has certain knowledge that the content of  other suppliers which is given on the Lantor GmbH website is either illegal or criminal or both and that it is technically and practically possible to prevent the use of these links. (para 5, section 2 Federal Sate media Agreement)

“Links” is taken to mean dynamic references to other websites. Lantor GmbH set up its website with due diligence using these links to other suppliers and by checking that no contradictions to legal requirements were at hand. Lantor GmbH however, does not hold itself responsible to continually check said links for their legality that could imply a renewed responsibility of its obligations. Only when Lantor GmbH has concrete evidence from users or from a third party that illegal or criminal content is displayed on these other websites and that it is technically and practically possible to prevent the use of said links, will Lantor GmbH remove these said links from its website. The technical possibility and practicality of preventing access will not be affected insofar as access to illegal or criminal websites can be made through other servers.

Lantor GmbH does not hold itself responsible in any way for damages through the use or non-use of information contained in or on websites made available by Lantor GmbH through said links.

Intellectual Property Rights:
All published information, articles and illustrations as well as their layouts are governed by intellectual property rights. Any use made of content protected by these intellectual property rights require the express, written agreement of Lantor GmbH. This is especially valid for copying, distribution, forwarding, changing, translating storing and processing or copying to databanks or other electronic storage systems. Photocopies and downloads for other than private and personal use may not be made without the express, written consent of Lantor GmbH.

All trade marks on the Lantor GmbH website are protected under the trade mark laws and may not be used without the express, written consent of their owners.

Communication using electronic means (email)
Communication by electronic means can cause security breaches. For example emails intended for Lantor GmbH employees can be interrupted, seen or even changed by experienced Internet users. Should it be the case that Lantor GmbH receives an email from a business associate, then it will be assumed that Lantor GmbH is entitled to reply to the said email by similar means. Otherwise the business associate must expressly inform Lantor GmbH about other, alternative means of communication.

Data Protection note:
During the use of this website certain information is collected and stored from the user about the number of accessed pages, on which day and the sequence of access and the sequence of links to other sites without reference to the name or details of the user. This is permitted under the current data protection laws and is purely for internal uses.

All people named on this website agree to the commercial use and forwarding of their data (see para 28 of Federal German Law).

Lantor GmbH does not hold itself responsible and accepts no liability for infringements against data protection laws from other websites from a link or other reference to this website.

A part of this disclaimer is thanks to kind permission of the data protection officers in Berlin (www.datenschutz-berlin.de) from whose website some of this disclaimer has been taken and has made available to all who so wish to do the same.